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Frequently Asked Questions

General  Questions

Q: Are you court/probation approved?
A: Yes.

Q: Is there a 30 day lockdown?
A: For the first 15 days of a clients stay, there will be no contact with friends or family, with the exception of the client’s children who are 17 and younger.

Q: Can I work while in the program?
A: No

Q: Can I go to school?
A: No, treatment is full time.

Q: How many people are in Hope House?
A: We can have up to 40 clients.

Q: Is Hope House faith based?
A: No.

Q: May I tour Hope House before I interview?
A: This would depend on availability of Hope House staff. Please call 714-776-7490 for more information.

Q: Does Hope House hold public AA or NA meetings?
A: No, AA and NA meetings are closed to the public and only open to Hope House clients. (click to visit AA and NA websites)

Q: What if the person who wants to enter Hope House is in jail?
A: Once released from jail please come to Hope House for a pre-screening interview.

Q: Does Hope House provide family counseling?
A: If a client requests family counseling, sometimes this can be accommodated.

Q: Does Hope House offer out-patient therapy?
A: Clients who have graduated from Hope House may come in for out-patient therapy for a fee.

Q: Can I take medication?
A: Some medications are allowed, when you come in for the interview bring a list of the medications you take and you will be informed at that time if they are allowed in the program.

Q: Are you handicap accessible?
A: Yes.

Q: Do you have medical staff on duty?
A: Hope House does not have any medical staff on duty.

Q: Do you offer detox?
A: No.

Q: Can I get an overnight pass?
A: No, Hope House does not offer overnight passes.

Q: Are you a 12 step program?
A: No. However we do encourage participation in a 12-step program and have two meetings (closed to public) at Hope House each week.

Q: I have been in trouble with the law and now the judge says I have to go into a drug and alcohol rehab, but I really don’t have a problem with drugs or alcohol. Can I come into Hope House?
A: No. Hope House is only for people who are drug and/or alcohol dependent.

Q: Does Hope House take Dual-Diagnosis clients?
A: Yes, in some cases. Please come in for an interview to establish eligibility. NOTE: You must be stable on your medication and have a way to pay for it.


Helping Others

Q: Can Hope House make a person stay in the program?
A: No. Hope House is completely voluntary.

Q: Can Hope House make someone get better if they don’t want the help?
A: It is unusual; however, sometimes those with chemical dependencies enter treatment for some other reason (i.e. court ordered, family pressure) and change their attitude about recovery and sobriety.

Q: My husband/wife/boyfriend, girlfriend/Dad/Mom/relative/friend is the person with the problem. Is there anything I can do for myself and my family?
There are many programs and services available. There are support groups such as AL-anon, Co-dependents anonymous, and therapy. Your local library or bookstore may also have literature available for you. Please, click these links to visit Alanon and Alateen and CODA for resources that may be available to you and your family.

Q: Does Hope House do drug or alcohol interventions?
A: No

However anyone can come in for an interview after an intervention on any Monday – Friday, please contact our administrative office 714-776-7490.


Admission to Hope House

Q: Do you take couples or family members?
A: No. Hope House wants our clients to focus on their own program and has found that when couples or families are together our clients can be pulled into another direction.

Q: Can I bring my children with me?
A: No, Hope House is for adults only.

Q: Can I get in right away?
A: Due to the high demand for alcohol and drug treatment, Hope House maintains a wait list. After the orientation and interview, if the client is eligible for the program, they will be entered on the waitlist.

Q: Is there anyway I can get in sooner?
A: Sometimes Hope House has private-pay beds available. The service for a private-pay bed is exactly the same as it is for the clients waiting for a county fee bed. If you would like to discuss the option of private pay, please call for more information or come in for an interview and speak to the intake counselor.



Q: Can I leave to visit friends and family?
A: No.

Q: How soon can my family visit me?
A: For the first 30 days of a client’s stay, there is no contact with friends or family, with the exception of the client children who are 17 years old and younger. After the first 30 days, there are requirements that must be met to have visitation rights.



Q: What forms of payments does Hope House accept?
A: Cash, money orders, cashier’s checks and personal checks. Personal checks will not be accepted for the first payment installment of private-pay clients. All payments must be made in person at the administrative office between 8am- 5pm Monday through Friday.

Q: How much does it cost? 
A: Please call 714-776-7490 to ask about any costs.

Q: If I am on disability, SSI, etc. how much will Hope House take from my check?
A: Please call 714-776-7490 to ask about any costs.

Q: Do you take insurance?
A: We do not take insurance.

Upon entry

Q: What can I bring?
A: Please CLICK HERE for the list of items permitted and not permitted at Hope House.