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Program Curriculum

The primary goal of the program is to help adult addicts acquire skills necessary to maintain sobriety while being productive members of the community. The program provides clients experiential learning, teaching them how to control impulses and addictive behaviors. All clients must participate in the program structure. Clients move through a hierarchy of in-house responsibilities designed to teach living skills for themselves and their peers. Client privileges are linked to showing great effort and taking on more personal responsibility.

Hope House offers 30, 60, and 90 day treatment. Hope House also provides clients aftercare, helping them continue their recovery. We work with each client to meet his/her specific treatment plan goals. A  treatment packet is given to each client at intake. During the prescreening interview, we thoroughly assess clients to ensure that our program setting is appropriate for them. Hope House keeps clients focused with a full weekly schedule. Our goal is to maintain program services at a current level. This includes the following:


  • Providing individual therapy to all Hope House clients once weekly
  • Providing small clinical groups weekly
  • Providing outpatient services including family therapy, group therapy and individual therapy as needed
  • Providing weekly graduate support group
  • Providing a minimum of 13 hours of educational groups a week. Groups include: Adult Children of Alcoholics, Relapse Prevention Group,Self-Esteem, and Life Skills.
  • Providing a minimum of 7 clinical groups per week. Groups include: Seeking Safety, Thinking For Change, Men/Women’s Group, Anger Management, Things Left Unsaid, Devil’s Advocate, Empty Chair, Dasein, Family Sculpture, Group Rap, How I See You and Wounded Child
  • Providing 12-step meetings, AA meetings once weekly and book study group
  • Daily walks (when permitted) and monthly outings to park

During the week, clients participate in a variety of group activities. Program staff runs therapy groups throughout the day. In group activities, clients learn to explore and communicate their feelings, understand their addiction and understand the relapse process, and learn to take responsibility for their actions. Drug and Alcohol Counselors run weekly education groups teaching clients specific skills necessary for recovery and for participation in the community. The following is a brief list of educational and therapy groups.



Life Skills: A four-week educational group giving clients specific skills that help them in their lives, such as budgeting and money management.

Adult Children of Alcoholics: Clients begin to understand their family-origin issues. Clients learn how, “don’t talk,” “don’t trust,” and “don’t feel” rules contribute to dysfunctional communication. They discover how early experiences in the family helped shape their choices.

Relapse Prevention: Clients develop tools to help them remain sober. In addition, clients understand their own personal “red-flags” that can lead them into relapse. Clients receive and complete the SACPA Relapse and Recovery Packet.

Twelve Step Study: Clients learn how to apply the Alcoholics Anonymous 12-step program and gain an understanding of 12-step principals.

Toastmasters Group: Clients learn how to speak in public and improve their communication skills in a supportive atmosphere. They also learn how to give constructive feedback to others.

Structure Group: Clients review their personal short-term and long-term goals with the group and set new sort-term goals for the following week.

Twelve Step Panel (NA/AA): A panel is brought into the house and clients learn about how others use the twelve steps to maintain sobriety.

Business Group: Clients submit paperwork on various positions in the house weekly. During this group, clients vote on specific matters of house business.

Self-Esteem: Clients openly discuss issues of self-esteem and work on improving one’s sense of self

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Thinking For Change: A cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT) group that includes cognitive restructuring, social skills development, and the development of problem-solving skills.

Things Left Unsaid: Clients have an opportunity to disclose previously suppressed emotions in a safe environment. Clients talk about and let go of unstated thoughts and feelings they have toward significant others.

Care Encounter: Clients are given the opportunity to share positive feelings towards their peers in an atmosphere of trust and care. This group promotes a sense of community and closeness in the program.

Empty Chair: This group allows clients to become more aware of and to begin to let go of suppressed emotions. It also facilitates the integration of suppressed emotions.

Family Sculpture: Clients explore and experience the interactions between family members and themselves. This helps clients become more aware of their family-system dynamics, covert messages and repressed affects.

Devil’s Advocate: This group allows clients to identify and express their inner conflicts around a particular problem, behavior, or belief. Clients argue both the positive and negative ends of their internal conflicts and get help from their peers.

Men’s and Women’s Groups: Men and women meet in their own groups to discuss issues that they might not feel comfortable discussing un the presence of the opposite sex.

Dasein: An individual client talks about his/her internal thoughts and feelings with peers. This group is designed to help clients understand the addictive process and how it affects their life.

Dump Your Gut: Clients openly discuss topics that bother them, either about other (another?) resident or the program.

How I See You: Clients discuss how others perceive a certain peer. This activity provides individuals insight on how behavior and words formulate the way others perceive you.

Anger Management: Clients learn specific skills to help them manage their anger in a constructive fashion.  Clients can openly process challenges in managing anger.

Seeking Safety: Clients can process and attain safety from trauma and/or substance abuse.

Graduate Group: Graduates of the program discuss issues related to working full time and struggles in maintaining sobriety.

Individual Therapy

Every client is assigned a therapist.  Every client meets with his/her therapist for an individual session each week.  During therapy the client can work on issues or concerns from the client’s treatment plan.